Once the 2073RC is installed and configured properly it is ready to place
into operation.This section describes the function of the LED indicators,
and the use of the loopback and pattern test modes.
The 2073RC is equipped with 12 LED indicators that monitor the status
of communication.
TD When the unit sends a one, the TXD LED is green.When it
sends a zero, the TXD LED is yellow.
RD When the unit receives a one, the RXD LED is green.When it
receives a zero, the RXD LED is yellow.
CTS Glows green to indicate that the clear-to-send signal from the
2073RC is active. Yellow indicates inactive CTS.
CD Glows green to indicate that the a carrier from the remote
modem is being received.
DTR Glows green to indicate that the DTE attached to the 2073RC
is active.
Link The Link LED lights when the unit is synchronized with the
incoming 64k/G.703 network signal.
TM The Test Mode indicator will turn on when the unit enters local
or remote loopbacks. It will also turn on when test patterns 511
or 511ER are activated.
ERR The error LED indicates various error conditions, when send-
ing a test pattern, the LED will remain lit if the unit does not
receive the identical pattern. When it receives the correct pat-
tern, the LED will turn off.If error insertion is on, the LED will
blink once a second if everything is operating properly.