Bootloader 45
SmartNode 4520 & 4110 Series User Manual 4 • Getting started with the SmartNode
With the Bootloader, only the Ethernet interface 0/0 is available. The Boot-
loader applies the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway that were last
configured by the Bootloader itself or by another application (e.g. Smart
Ware). If an application configured the Ethernet interface 0/0 to use DHCP,
the Bootloader will also use DHCP to learn the interface configuration. It
can receive and apply the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and
default (TFTP) server (transmitted as basic DHCP information ‘Next server
IP address’).
This procedure does not download the respective CLI description file.
Download it after starting up SmartWare with the following command:
copy tftp://<tftp_server_address>/<server path>/b1 flash:
Example: Downloading and storing a new application image (SmartWare)
RedBoot> ip -l
RedBoot> ip -g
RedBoot> ping -h
Network PING - from to
..........PING - received 10 of 10 expected
RedBoot> load -r -v -h -b 0x1800100 /Sn4xxx/image.bin
Using default protocol (TFTP)
Raw file loaded 0x01800100-0x0199ca6b, 1689964 bytes, assumed entry at 0x01800100
RedBoot> fis delete -n 1
Delete image 1 - continue (y/n)? y
... Erase from 0x60030000-0x601cc974: ..........................
RedBoot> fis create
Use address 0x01800100, size 1684402 ? - continue (y/n)? y
... Erase from 0x60030000-0x601cb3ba: ..........................
... Program from 0x00011eec-0x00011ef4 at 0x60030000: .
... Program from 0x01800100-0x0199b4b2 at 0x60030008: ..........................
... Program from 0x00011eec-0x00011ef4 at 0x60030000: .
Image successfully written to flash
RedBoot> fis list -l
Id Address Length State Description
Entry Load Addr Version
1 0x60030000 1693438 valid SmartWare R2.10 BUILD28015
0x01800100 0x01800100 V2.10
RedBoot> go
Starting 'SmartWare R2.10 BUILD28015' at 0x01800100 via 0x01800100
8 RedBoot> go Starts the application image that was down-
loaded into the volatile memory (RAM).
Step Command Purpose