get ctstype Display CTS type
get domainsuffix Display Domain Name Server suffix
get dtim Display Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)
get enableANI Display Adaptive Noise Immunity Control On/Off
get encryption Display Encryption Mode
get extendedchan-
Display Extended Channel Mode
get firStepLvl Display ANI Parameter for FirStepLevel
get fragmentthresh-
Display Fragment Threshold
get frequency Display Radio Frequency (MHz)
get gateway Display Gateway IP Address
get gbeaconrate Display 11g Beacon Rate
get gdraft5 Display 11g Draft 5.0 compatibility
get groupkeyupdate Display Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)
get hardware Display Hardware Revisions
get hostipaddr Display Host IP Address
get ipaddr Display IP Address
get ipmask Display IP Subnet Mask
get keyentrymethod Display Encryption Key Entry Method
get keysource Display Source Of Encryption Keys
get login Display Login User Name
get minimumrate Display Minimum Rate
get nameaddr Display IP address of name server
get nf Display Noise Floor
get noiseImmunityLvl
Display ANI Parameter for Noise Immunity Level
get ofdmTrigHigh Display Higher Trigger Threshold for OFDM Phy Errors for
ANI Control
get ofdmTrigLow Display Lower Trigger Threshold for OFDM Phy Errors for
ANI Control
get ofdmWeakSigDet
Display ANI Parameter for OFDM Weak Signal Detection