User’s Manual of WGSW-24040 / WGSW-24040R
SGSW-24040 / SGSW-24040R
ARP Parameters
The ARP parameters can be configured when Frame Type "ARP" is selected.
Object Description
Specify the available ARP/RARP opcode (OP) flag for this ACE.
• Any: No ARP/RARP OP flag is specified. (OP is "don't-care".)
• ARP: Frame must have ARP/RARP opcode set to ARP.
• RARP: Frame must have ARP/RARP opcode set to RARP.
• Other: Frame has unknown ARP/RARP Opcode flag.
• Request/Reply
Specify the available ARP/RARP opcode (OP) flag for this ACE.
• Any: No ARP/RARP OP flag is specified. (OP is "don't-care".)
• Request: Frame must have ARP Request or RARP Request OP flag set.
• Reply: Frame must have ARP Reply or RARP Reply OP flag.
• Sender IP Filter
Specify the sender IP filter for this ACE.
• Any: No sender IP filter is specified. (Sender IP filter is "don't-care".)
• Host: Sender IP filter is set to Host. Specify the sender IP address in the SIP
Address field that appears.
• Network: Sender IP filter is set to Network. Specify the sender IP address and
sender IP mask in the SIP Address and SIP Mask fields that appear.
• Sender IP Address
When "Host" or "Network" is selected for the sender IP filter, you can enter a
specific sender IP address in dotted decimal notation.
• Sender IP Mask
When "Network" is selected for the sender IP filter, you can enter a specific
sender IP mask in dotted decimal notation.
• Target IP Filter
Specify the target IP filter for this specific ACE.
• Any: No target IP filter is specified. (Target IP filter is "don't-care".)
• Host: Target IP filter is set to Host. Specify the target IP address in the Target
IP Address field that appears.
• Network: Target IP filter is set to Network. Specify the target IP address and
target IP mask in the Target IP Address and Target IP Mask fields that appear.
• Target IP Address
When "Host" or "Network" is selected for the target IP filter, you can enter a
specific target IP address in dotted decimal notation.
• Target IP Mask
When "Network" is selected for the target IP filter, you can enter a specific target
IP mask in dotted decimal notation.
• ARP SMAC Match
Specify whether frames can hit the action according to their sender hardware
address field (SHA) settings.
0: ARP frames where SHA is not equal to the SMAC address.
1: ARP frames where SHA is equal to the SMAC address.
Any: Any value is allowed ("don't-care").
Specify whether frames can hit the action according to their target hardware