
Changing settings
To switch between recording mode (_)
and playback mode (_--q),quickly press
and release the Menu button ([M]) at the
lower right of the LCD screen until the
on-screen icon changes.
Pressing and holding the Menu button
enters the camera into a submenu level
in either playback or record modes.
Once at the submenu level, quickly
pressing the Menu button toggles
through available choices.
To choose an item, press the shutter
release button on top of the camera.
This acts as the "OK" selection.
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The buttons on the camera's back side allow you to change
from capture to playback mode. These buttons also allow
changing how the camera records and displays pictures.
Record mode
Since pictures have to be taken and
stored before they can be viewed or
erased, let's concentrate on different
ways to capture images.
Setting image quality
The digital camera can take two
different kinds of images; normal and
fine. Normal mode allows for up to 48
images at a resolution of 640x480
Normal mode uses a high compression
scheme which makes the images low in
file size, allowing you to take the most
To set Normal picture quality:
1. Make sure the camera is in record
mode (1_).
2. Press and hold the Menu button(I-M])
until you see a blinking "N." This
represents Normal picture quality.
3. Press the shutter release button on
top of the camera to select "OK."
The other option with the digital camera
is to shoot in t-me mode. While this
option also uses a resolution of 640x480
pixels, less compression is used
meaning the quality of the image is
better than normal resolution. This also
means that you can take fewer fine
quality pictures. When the camera is set
to fine resolution, up to 24 images can
be captured.
To set Fine picture quality:
1. Make sure the camera is in record
mode (l_l).
Press and hold the Menu button
([M]) until you see a blinking "N."
Press the Menu button again, this
time quickly, and a blinking "F" will
be displayed on the LCD. This
represents fine picture quality mode.