Using humidifiers
When a device integrated with the HumidAire 2i
or H4i
humidifier is not connected
to the mains power supply, the humidifier will only operate in passive unheated mode
despite the warm-up message appearing on the device. When the device is connected
to the mains power supply, it will return to active heated mode.
and H5i
devices operate normally in active heated mode when connected to the
battery or to the mains power supply.
Cleaning and maintenance
Do not immerse the RPS II in water, and do not use liquids to clean any part of
the product.
1. Disconnect the battery from the power supply unit and the device. Remove all
2. Wipe the exterior of the battery with a clean cloth.
Batteries must be charged to 100% indicated by four green LEDs and switched off
before storing. You must recharge the batteries to 100% again after three months
of storage. When not in use, all Lithium-Ion batteries self-discharge over time. If
not periodically recharged (ie, every three months), the RPSII will eventually self-
discharge to the point that it can no longer be recharged. If this occurs the RPSII
is no longer usable and is unrecoverable.
Store the RPSII in a cool, dry place.
Note: A fully charged battery when left switched on, self-discharges to less than 50%
of full capacity within two weeks of storage. Once switched off, the battery self-
discharges to less than 50% of full capacity within one month of storage.
The RPS II is intended to provide safe and reliable operation when used and
maintained in accordance with the instructions provided by ResMed. There is no
servicing necessary during the lifetime of the battery.
The service life of the RPS II exceeds 500 recharge cycles. After this cycle, the
battery will last about 60% of the time from its original condition. A full charge in an
older battery will not last as long as in a new battery. ResMed recommends that the
RPS II be tested for battery duration regularly. As with all electrical equipment, if any
irregularity becomes apparent, you should exercise caution and contact an authorised
ResMed service representative.
Consult with your carrier if you intend to take the battery on board with your device.