890USE19600 April 2004 57
EMC electromagnetic compatibility. Devices that meet EMC requirements can operate
within a system’s expected electromagnetic limits without error.
EMI electromagnetic interference. EMI can cause an interruption, malfunction, or
disturbance in the performance of electronic equipment. It occurs when a source
electronically transmits a signal that interferes with other equipment.
EOS end of segment. When more than one segment of I/O modules is used in an island,
an STB XBE 1000 EOS module is installed in the last position in every segment that
has an extension following it. The EOS module extends island bus communications
to the next segment.
Ethernet A LAN cabling and signaling specification used to connect devices within a defined
area, e.g., a building. Ethernet uses a bus or a star topology to connect different
nodes on a network.0
Ethernet II A frame format in which the header specifies the packet type, Ethernet II is the
default frame format for STB NIP 2212 communications.
fallback state A safe state to which an Advantys STB I/O module can return in the event that its
communication connection fails.
fallback value The value that a device assumes during fallback. Typically, the fallback value is
either configurable or the last stored value for the device.
FED_P Fipio extended device profile. On a Fipio network, the standard device profile type
for agents whose data length is more than eight words and equal to or less than
thirty-two words.
Fipio Fieldbus Interface Protocol (FIP). An open fieldbus standard and protocol that
conforms to the FIP/World FIP standard. Fipio is designed to provide low-level
configuration, parameterization, data exchange, and diagnostic services.
Flash memory Flash memory is nonvolatile memory that can be overwritten. It is stored on a special
EEPROM that can be erased and reprogrammed.
FRD_P Fipio reduced device profile. On a Fipio network, the standard device profile type for
agents whose data length is two words or less.