1606218 02 08/2006 193
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
Island On the Advantys Configuration Tool interface, the Advantys IP67 monobloc input/
output splitter box is referred to as "island".
ISO International Standard Organization
LED Light Emitting Diode
LMT Layer Management. Parameter definition concerning different layers for a bus head.
LSB Least Significant Byte. The part of a number, address or field that is written as the
value furthest to the right in conventional hexadecimal or binary notation.
LSb Least Significant Bit. The part of a number, address or field that is written as the
value furthest to the right in conventional hexadecimal or binary notation.
MNS Module-Network-Status
MSB Most Significant Byte. The part of a number, address or field that is written as the
value furthest to the left in conventional hexadecimal or binary notation.
MSb Most Significant Bit. The part of a number, address or field that is written as the value
furthest to the left in conventional hexadecimal or binary notation.