Selecting frequencies
Switch @on the transmitterselects one 01threeIrequencies, i.e.
36,7 MHz,37,1MHzand 37,9 MHz (seetig.5 b).
Fastening neck strap and clip
The set is supplied with a neck strap and a clip lor lastening the set
to the body. The strap must be attached at the slots shown in lig. 6.
When lastening it must snap into place with an audible click.
Connection of a tape or cassette recorder
IIyou want to leed audio signals tram a tape recorder or a cassette
recorder into the transmitter to complement the normal voice trans-
mission, plug these sets into the 3.5 mm jack 11).Inthis case the
microphone is automatically switched off.
Always use the record/playback connector 01the tape or cassette
recorder. IIthe set is only equipped with an output lor headphones
or an external speaker, please observe the lollowing: the line input
is designed lor inputs levels between 75 mV and 1.5V. Transient
peaks on the input exceeding 1.5 V are compensated by the high-
grade limiter. This should, however, only happen under exceptional
circumstances. The better way is always to reduce the input level by
means 01the volume control on the recorder. Sources with a lixed
output level 01more than 1.5V require the use 01an attenuator
which should be inserted between the source and the transmitter.
~C~3V ~ 10KQ U'~300m~
Adjustingsensitivityof microphone and line input
Under the cover @you will lind a control @Ior the sensitivity 01the
micraphone or line input which works similar to the level control <)n
a tape recorder (Iig. 5). Besides the manual control which reduces
the input gain il a certain threshold is exceeded (i.e. il the swing 01
the transmitter reaches:t 40 kHz). The lactory setting is appropriate
lor signals 01a medium level. Under normal conditions, this setting
ISadequate and should not be altered. In case which require
changing gain proceed as lollows:
Switch on transmitter and receiver. Make sure that both sets are
operating at the same Irequency. Turn the contral @to its left stop.
Speak into the microphone at normal voice. Optium results have in
practice been reached by speaking a long "aaahh" into the micro-
phone. During this level check hold the transmitter in into normal
operating position.
Listen to the signal with a set 01headphones while you speak into
the microphone. Slowly increase gain until the volume ceases to
rise. Now reduce the setting by a quarter-turn.
Fixingthe strap
Fig 5b
Fixing the clip