California, U.S. EPA, and Briggs & Stratton Corporation Emissions Control Warranty Statement
Your Warranty Rights And Obligations
April 2011
The CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard, U.S. EPA, and Briggs& Stratton(B&S) are pleased
to explainthe emissions controlsystem warranty onyour ModelYear 2011--2012
engine/equipment. In California,new small off-road enginesand largespark ignited
engines lessthan or equalto 1.0liter must bedesigned, built, andequipped tomeet the
State’s stringent anti-smogstandards. B&Smust warrant the emissions control system
on yourengine/equipment forthe periodsof time listedbelow providedthere has been
no abuse,neglect, or impropermaintenance ofyour engine orequipment.
Youremissions controlsystem mayinclude parts suchas the carburetoror fuelinjection
system, fueltank, ignition system, andcatalytic converter.Also includedmay be hoses,
belts, connectors,sensors, and otheremissions -related assemblies.
Where awarrantable conditionexists, B&S willrepair your engine/equipment atno cost
to youincluding diagnosis,parts, and labor.
Manufacturer’s Warranty Coverage:
Small off-road enginesand large spark ignitedengines less thanor equal to1.0 literare
warranted fortwo years. Ifany emissions-related parton yourengine/equipment is
defective, thepart will berepaired orreplaced by B&S.
Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities:
As theengine/equipment owner, you areresponsible for the performanceof the
required maintenancelisted inyour owner’s manual. B&Srecommends thatyou
retain allreceipts covering maintenance ony our engine/ equipment, but B&Scannot
denywarranty solelyfor thelackof receiptsoryour failuretoensure theperformance
of allscheduled maintenance.
As theengine/equipment owner, youshould however beaware thatB&S may deny
you warrantycoverage if yourengine/equipment ora part hasfailed due toabuse,
neglect, impropermaintenance, or unapprovedmodifications.
You areresponsible for presentingyour engine/equipment to aB&S distribution
center, servicingdealer,or other equivalent entity, as applicable,as soon asa
problemexists. Thewarrantyrepairs shouldbe completedin areasonableamount of
time, notto exceed 30days. Ifyou have anyquestions regardingyour warranty
rights andresponsibilities, you should contactB&S at (414)259-5262.
Briggs & Stratton Emissions Control Warranty Provisions
The followingare specific provisionsrelative toyour Emissions Control WarrantyCoverage. It isin addition tothe B&Sengine warranty fornon-regulated engines foundin the
Operator’s Manual.
1. Warranted EmissionsParts
Coverage underthis warranty extends onlyto the partslisted below (theemissions
control systems parts) tothe extentthese parts were presenton theB&S engine
and/or B&Ssupplied fuelsystem.
a. FuelMetering System
Cold startenrichment system(soft choke)
Carburetor andinternal parts
Fuel pump
Fuel line,fuel line fittings, clamps
Fuel tank,cap and tether
Carbon canister
b. AirI nduction System
Air cleaner
Intake manifold
Purge andvent line
c. Ignition System
Spark plug(s)
Magneto ignition system
d. CatalystSystem
Catalytic converter
Exhaust manifold
Air injectionsystem orpulse valve
e. Miscellaneous ItemsUsed inAbove Systems
Vacuum,temperature, position, timese n s i t i v e valves ands w i t c h e s
Connectors andassemblies
2. Lengthof Coverage
For a periodof two years from date oforiginal purchase, B&S warrantsto the original
purchaser and eachsubsequent purchaser that the engine isdesigned, built, and
equipped so asto conform with allapplicable regulations adopted by theAir
Resources Board; that itis free from defects in materialand workmanship that could
cause the failureof a warranted part; andthat it is identical in allmaterial respects to
the engine describedin the manufacturer’s application for certification. Thewarranty
period begins onthe date the engine isoriginally purchased.
The warrantyon emissions-related partsis asfollows:
Any warrantedpart that isnot scheduled forreplacement asrequired
maintenance inthe owner’s manual supplied,is warranted forthe warranty
period statedabove. If anysuch part fails duringthe period of warranty
coverage, thepart will berepaired orreplaced by B&Sat nocharge to the
owner. Anysuch part repairedor replacedunder thewarranty will bewarranted
for theremaining warranty period.
Any warrantedpart that isscheduled only for regularinspection in theowner’s
manual supplied,is warranted forthe warrantyperiod stated above.Any such
part repairedor replaced underwarranty willbe warranted forthe remaining
warranty period.
Any warrantedpart that isscheduled for replacementas required maintenance
in theowner’s manualsupplied, is warrantedfor theperiod of timeprior to the
first scheduledreplac e m e n t point forthat part.If the partfails prior toth e first
scheduled replacement,the part will berepaired or replacedby B&Sat no
charge tothe owner.Any such partrepaired or replacedunder warrantywill be
warranted forthe remainder ofthe periodprior to thefirst scheduled
replacement pointfor the part.
Add onor modifiedparts that arenot exempted bythe AirResources Board
may notbeused. Theuseof anynon exemptedadd onormodified partsbythe
owner willbe grounds fordisallowing awarranty claim. The manufacturerwill
not beliable to warrant failuresof warranted partscaused bythe use ofa non
exempted addon ormodified part.
3. ConsequentialCoverage
Coverage shallextend tothe failure ofany engine componentscaused by the
failure ofany warranted emissionsparts.
4. Claims andCoverage Exclusions
Warrantyclaims shall befiled accordingto theprovisions of theB&S engine
warranty policy. Warrantycoverage does notapply to failuresof emissions parts
that arenot originalequipment B&S partsor toparts that faildue toabuse, neglect,
or impropermaintenance asset forthin the B&Sengine warrantypolicy.B&S isnot
liable forwarranty coverage offailures of emissions partscaused by theuse of
add-on ormodified parts.
Look For Relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air Index Information
On Your Small Off-Road Engine Emissions Label
Engines thatare certified tomeet theCalifornia Air ResourcesBoard (CARB) small
off-roadEmissions Standardmust displayinformation regardingtheEmissions Durability
Period andthe AirIndex. Briggs &Stratton makes thisinformation availableto the
consumer onour emissions labels.The engineemissions label willindicate certification
The Emissions Durability Period describesthe numberof hours ofactual running time
for whichthe engine is certifiedto be emissionscompliant, assuming proper
maintenance inaccordance withthe Operating &Maintenance Instructions. The
following categoriesare used:
Engineis certifiedtobe emissionscompliant for125hours ofactualengine runningtime.
Engineis certifiedtobe emissionscompliant for250hours ofactualengine runningtime.
Engineis certifiedtobe emissionscompliant for500hours ofactualengine runningtime.
For example,a typical walk-behind lawnmower is used 20to 25hours per year.
Therefore, theEmissions Durability Periodof anengine with anintermediate rating
would equateto 10to 12years.
Briggs &Stratton engines arecertified tomeet the UnitedStates Environmental
Protection Agency(USEPA) Phase2 orPhase 3emissions standards. TheEmissio n s
Compliance Periodreferred to on theEmissions Compliance labelindicates thenumber
of operatinghours for whichthe enginehas been shownto meet Federalemissions
For enginesless than 225cc displacement.
Category C= 125hours, Category B= 250 hours,Category A= 500 hours
For enginesof 225 ccor moredisplacement.
Category C= 250hours, Category B= 500 hours,Category A= 1000 hours