Preferred service
You can set GPRS or GSM as the preferred service.
To select preferred service
} Connectivity }
YES } Data comm. } YES } Pref. service
YES and select GPRS and GSM or GSM only } YES.
Internet profile settings
The Internet settings are stored in an Internet profile. In most
cases you only need to use one profile to access the Internet.
You set up and use additional Internet profiles, for
example, when accessing secure Internet sites. You then
simply switch between profiles when you need to change the
network connection.
Make sure you have a data account set up between your
phone and the Internet server, as described on % 49Data
account settings.
To enter Internet profile settings manually
1 } Internet services }
YES } Options } YES
} Internet profiles }
2 } Addprofile? to add a new profile or select an existing
profile that you want to edit }
To enter information in a new profile
When selecting Add profile? enter a name for the profile
YES } Connect using: } YES, select the data account to be
used }
YES and enter the IP address } YES. A list appears.
Scroll to Save? }
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for private use.