Operating Manual
'O' Ring 'B'
'O' Ring 'A'
Rotor Cap
Note : 'O' ring 'A' is fitted in a recess on pumps
D5 and D6.
8.1 TLA Mounting Instructions
When fitting a TLA it is recommended that :-
1. The TLA is lightly oiled on all surfaces to
assist in achieving the correct torque value
and to aid its release when removing.
2. Once fitted into its working position and
before tightening, a temporary rotor clamp,
supplied with the pump, should be used
to ensure the rotor with TLA is positively
abutted against the shaft shoulder. This
will ensure that rotor clearance on both its
front and rear are maintained.
8.0 Disassembly
Rotor retention on all pumps in the DRM range
is by Torque Locking Assembly (TLA) with
flush fitting rotor caps. The rotor spline area is
sealed with three O'rings per rotor (A, B, & C),
one (A) between the shaft and rotor, and two (B
& C) seated in the rotor cap. The rotor caps are
retained by socket head cap screws. The
TLA's should be tightened to the recommended
torque values.
3. Using the rotor clamp with the rotor
correctly positioned on the shaft and the
TLA in place, a suitable screw is put
through the centre hole in the clamp and
tightened into the end of the shaft. This
will hold the rotor in place and the TLA
screws may now be tightened through the
access slots in the clamp.
4. With the rotor clamp secured in place the
TLA screws can be torqued up to the
correct settings. To obtain best results
it is recommended the screws are
tightened in a diametrically opposed
pattern, repeating until correctly set.
8.2 TLA Release Instructions
Loosen the socket head cap screw and remove
the rotor cap ensuring that the two sealing
O'rings are not lost. If the rotor cap does not
release easily it can be removed by gently
screwing a suitable screw into the thread in the
centre hole of the rotor cap.
Loosen the TLA in several stages and in a
diametrically opposite sequence. The loosened
TLA can now be removed.
To extract the TLA from the rotor, only remove
the two screws which are fitted with washers,
carefully screw 8mm x 50mm bolts into the
holes (these holes have only 3-5 threads) and
pull out the TLA.
'O' Ring 'C'