
Upright Portable Hot Oil TCUs Chapter 4: Operation 27
Status Indicator Lights
Pump Reverse Indicator Light. The Pump Reverse indicator light illuminates when the
unit pump runs in reverse.
Pump Forward Indicator Light. The Pump Forward indicator light illuminates when the
unit pump runs in the normal forward direction. This indicator typically illuminates
continuously during normal operation.
Heater On Indicator Light. The Heater On indicator illuminates when the heater energizes.
Cool Solenoid Indicator Light. The Cool Solenoid indicator illuminates when the cooling
solenoid energizes. It is used only on the optional heat exchanger.
Vent Solenoid Indicator Light. The Vent Solenoid indicator illuminates when the venting
solenoid energizes during venting sequences.
Mode Indicator Lights
Select the unit operating mode by using the selection switch.
Power On Mode Indicator Light. The Power On mode indicator light illuminates to
indicate that the control circuit is energized in the unit.
Auto Mode Indicator Light. The Auto mode indicator light indicates that the Auto mode is
active and the controller is monitoring the system and controlling the process.
If the Auto light is off and the Cool Solenoid indicator light is illuminated, the controller is
disabled and the cooling solenoid is open, permitting maximum cooling.
If the Auto and Cool Solenoid indicator lights are off, the unit is in standby.
Fault Indicator Lights
Pump Overload Indicator Light. The Pump Overload indicator light illuminates when the
pump is overloaded. This is an alarm condition, so the audible alarm activates to notify you
of the pump overload fault, and the unit shuts down.
Note: Always correct the alarm condition before returning to normal
Low Pressure Indicator Light. The Low Pressure indicator light illuminates when the unit
has low heat transfer fluid pressure. This is an alarm condition, so the audible alarm activates
to notify you of the low pressure fault, and disables controller outputs, permitting the pump to
continue to circulate fluid to avoid damage. If low pressure continues past five minutes
elapsed time, the pump shuts off.
Note: Always correct the alarm condition before returning to normal
Safety Thermo Indicator Light. The Safety Thermo indicator light illuminates when the
unit is overheating. This is an alarm condition, so the audible alarm activates to notify you of
the safety thermo fault, and disables controller outputs, permitting the pump to continue to
circulate fluid to avoid damage.
Note: Always correct this alarm condition before returning to normal