Indicator Name Description
preprogrammed by the operator.
Proportional Band
Mode (P)
This setting controls the amount in which the
manipulated variable (MV) is proportionate to the
deviated value or controller error.
Integral Time
Mode (I)
Setting this feature, gives the control an action that
is proportionate to the time integral of the control
error. By using this setting, proportional action is
used in combination with integral action to offset
the control error and the set point will begin to
match the control temperature (PV or process
Derivative Time
Mode (d)
Setting the derivative control provides the
controller with the ability to correct for a future
error in the previously set process output.
Entering Operating Parameters to Select Modes
To enter the display:
1. Press the
Mode Display key to view the Run/Stop & Alarm 1 Modes.
2. Press
and to set the higher or lower the values of the parameter or turn
that function On or Off.
The SV readout displays the different values for the parameter within a mode.
3. To switch modes within a level, press and hold the Level Display key for one
(1) second.
The PV readout will display the different parameters within each mode.
4. Use short presses on the Mode Display key to display each parameter within
a mode.
The SV readout displays the different values for the parameter within a mode.
5. Press and to set the higher or lower the values of a parameter or turn
that function On or Off.
6. Press
Level Key once to return to the Process Temperature Setting.
15, 30, & 60 cfm Compact Dryers 24