
Additive Feeders Chapter 5: Program Parameter Descriptions 35 of 55
Mode 2: Non-linear, Accelerating Rate
In non-linear mode, pressing and holding the Up or Down buttons will cause the display
to continuously change value in the requested direction until either the Display
Minimum or Display Maximum is reached. The displayed value will initially scroll at a
slow rate and increase in speed until the maximum scroll rate is achieved. The initial
scroll rate is specified using parameter 15.
Parameter 15 – Keypad Scroll Mode
This parameter sets the scroll speed for the front-panel push buttons. The function of this
parameter varies slightly depending on the Keypad Mode. See parameter 14 for more details.
Parameter 16 – S1 / S2 Input Edge & Prescaler Configuration
This parameter determines how the drive processes the S1 and S2 signal inputs. It specifies
which signal edge is used for measurements and the value of the internal frequency dividers
or prescalers. Modes with prescalers greater than 1 should only be used if the input pulse rate
on S1 or S2 exceeds the unit's maximum native pulse rate (see specifications for details);
otherwise, the control loop may become sluggish and unnecessarily inaccurate. Use the
following chart to configure this parameter. As an example, assume an application requires
input pulse rates on S1 of 120,000 pulses-per-minute and S2 of 35,000 pulses-per minute.
According to the electrical specifications, the unit can only accept 50,000 pulses per-minute
on each the S1 and S2 inputs. With this in mind, the S1 and S2 prescalers should be selected
as Falling / 4 and Rising / 1, respectively. In this case, parameter 16 would be set to 2.
Parameter 18 – Power-up Mode
This parameter defines the mode which determines the default Running Value when power is
initially applied to the drive.
Mode 1: Default to Zero
When in this mode, the unit will default to zero (display units).
Mode 2: Default to Power-Up Value
When in this mode, the unit will default to the Power-up Value, parameter 19.
Mode 3: Default to Previously Running Value
When in this mode, the unit will default to the previous running value before power was
removed. A previous running value must have been active for at least 3 seconds to
be recalled after power has been disconnected and reapplied.
Mode 11: Display Intensity
Set value between 0-31 to adjust display brightness (31=brightest).