
After programming your personal data you are ready to take a reading.
Select Personal Key and Step On
Using your toe, tap your preprogrammed Personal Key. (Release the key within 3 seconds or the
display will show Err.) The unit will beep and the display will show the programmed data. The unit
will beep again and the display will show 0.0. Now step onto the platform.
Note: If you step onto the platform before 0.0 appears, you will not obtain a reading. Furthermore, if you do
not step onto the measuring platform within about 60 seconds after 0.0 appears, the power is shut-off
Get Your Readings
Your weight will be shown rst. Continue to stand erect on the platform. "54321" will appear on the
display and disappear one by one. Your body fat percentage and Body Fat Range will appear on the
display screen. The display will then ash your weight, body fat percentage, and DCI alternately ve times.
Getting Accurate Readings
To get the most accurate, absolute values, readings should be taken without clothing and under
consistent conditions of hydration. If you do not undress, always remove your socks or stockings,
and be sure the soles of your feet are clean before stepping on the measuring platform. Stand erect
on the platform.
Be sure that your heels are correctly aligned with the electrodes on the measuring platform. Dont
worry if your feet appear too large for the unitaccurate readings can still be obtained if your toes
overhang the platform.
It is best to take readings at the same time of day. Try to wait about three hours after rising, eating, or
hard exercise before taking measurements. While readings taken under other conditions may not have
the same absolute values, they are accurate for determining the percentage of change as long as the
readings are taken in a consistent manner. To monitor progress, compare weight and body fat
percentage taken under the same conditions over a period of time.
Note: An accurate reading will not be possible if the soles of your feet are not clean, or if your knees are bent
or you are in a sitting position.
Healthy Range Indicator Bar (Standard Adults Only)
Your Scale plus Body Fat Monitor automatically compares your body fat reading to the Healthy Body
Fat Range chart.
Following your body fat percentage reading, four black squares will appear along the bottom of the
display indentifying where you fall within the Body Fat Ranges for your age and gender, as well as
telling you where in that range your percentage falls (i.e. low, middle or high end). For example, if you
are a female, age 2039 and your reading is 22.5%, the squares will appear above the 0 or Healthy
Range area, and the square second from the left end (or middle) will appear highlighted. For more
about the Healthy Range, see p.2.
Step on platform
Weight reading
Calculating body
fat percentage
Weight and body
fat percentage
Body fat range
indicatior bar
Body fat range
Daily Calorie
Intake reading
Heels centered
on electrodes
Toes may overhang
measuring platform
Note: Even if you step off the platform after all the
results are displayed, the alternating display of body
weight, body fat percentage, and DCI will be repeated
ve times. The unit will then shut down automatically.
Note: If you select Athlete mode on the BF-556,
the unit will not display the Healthy Range Indicator
Bar. The Healthy Body Fat Ranges are based on
Standard (sedentary to moderately active) Adults
and therefore do not apply to athletic adults.
Note: Athletes may have a lower body fat range
based on their particular sport or activity.