Product Features
How the Scale Determines Your Auto Goal Weight
During the programming process, you will enter your height. Once your height
is entered, the scale automatically suggests your ideal goal weight corresponding
to a Body Mass Index (BMI). According to National Institutes of Health, the ideal
BMI range is 18.5-24.9. If your current BMI is above 24, the scale automatically
suggests a target weight corresponding to a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 24.
If your current BMI is 24 or below, the scale automatically suggests a target
weight corresponding to a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 22.
Once the auto goal weight is given, you still have the option to change
to your desired goal weight (= Input Goal Weight). Use the + or - keys
to change to desired goal weight.
How the Scale Determines Your Step Goals (Milestones)
Your Jenny Craig HealthyTrack Scale automatically establishes realistic step
goals (milestones) in increments of 5 lb or greater depending on your target
weight established by the user. If your weight loss is
9.8 lb or less – you will have 1 step
14.8 lb or less – you will have 2 steps
19.8 lb or less – you will have 3 steps
20.0 lb or greater – you will have 4 steps
NOTE: Users will not be able to change the steps once they are established
by scale.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Please consult with your physician before you start your diet program.