Using memory function
1. Turn on the power
Using your toe, tap PERSONAL
key (2, in the example shown
above) that has your prepro-
grammed data. The current date will
appear and then the preprogrammed
gender, height, and current age.
Then the display will show “0.0 lb”.
If you stand on the platform before
“0.0 lb”appears, the unit will not
function properly.
2. Take measurements
Be sure that your toes and heels are
correctly aligned with the toe and
heel electrodes on the measuring
platform. Your weight will be
shown first (149.8 lb, in the example
shown above). Then your body fat
percentage (21.3%, in the example
shown above).
3. Comparing current data
with last week’s data
Step off the measuring platform.
An arrow pointing to “WEEK” will
flash to indicate the availability of
comparisons with previously
recorded measurements. Press the
Green Down button to select “–1”
(for 1 week past). The difference
between the current and last weeks
reading will be displayed.
5. Comparing current data
with data from 2 weeks ago
Press the Down button again, a
“–2” will appear, and the difference
between the current data and the
average from 2 weeks ago will be
6. Comparing current data
with data from 3 to 12
weeks ago
You may continue pressing the
Down button to compare the
current data with past data. The
monitor will store weekly aver-
ages for up to 12 weeks. You can
use the Up button to see the
more recent averages.
Note: You must have recorded data in order to use the memory function. Any user who
doesn’t have a PERSONAL key can not use the memory function.
Note: Weekly readings stored beyond 12 weeks will automatically be combined to create
monthly averages. Averages for months 3 through 24 will be stored and available for
comparison to the current reading.