When using electric gardening appliances, basic safety precautions should always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and serious injury. The warnings and
safety instructions in this manual must be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric
shock, or injury, and to provide reasonable s afety and efficiency in using this unit. The
operator is responsible for following the warnings and instructions in this manual and on
the unit. Read the entire instruction manual before assembling and using the unit! Re-
strict the use of this unit to persons who read, understand, and follow the warnings and
instructions in this manual and on the unit. Never allow children to use this unit. Close
attention is necessary when used near children.
Always w ear safety glasses o r similar eye
protection when operating, servicing, or
performing maintenance on your unit.
Wearing eye protection can help to pre-
vent rocks or debris from being blown or
ricocheting into eyes and face w hich can
result in blindness or serious injury.
Always wear a respirator or face mask
when w orking with the unit in dusty envi-
Dress safely in long pant s. Do not go
barefoot or w ear short pants or sandals.
Do not operate the unit when you are
tired, ill,upset, orif youare under the i nflu-
ence of alcohol, drugs, or m edication.
Secure hair so i t is aboveshoulder length.
Keep loose hair, loose clothing, fingers,
and all o ther parts of the body away from
openings and moving parts. H air, jewelry,
loose clothing, or clothing with loosely
hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc., can b e
caught in moving parts.
Avoid a dangerous
environment. Toreduce the risk ofelectri-
cal shock, do not use in rain, in damp or
wet locations, or around swimming pools,
hot tubs,etc. Donot exposeto snow,rain,
or water to avoid the possibility of electri-
cal shock. Do not handle extension c ord
plug or unit with wet hands.
Use only a voltage supply as shown on
the nameplate of the unit.
A void dangerous situations. Do not use i n
presence of flamm able liquids or gases to
avoid creating a fire or explosion and/or
causing damage to unit.
A void dangerous environments. Do not
use in unvent ilated areas orwhere dustor
explosive vapors can build up.
To reduce the risk of el ectrical shock, use
extension c ords specifically m arked as
suitable for outdoor appliances. The
electrical rating of the cord m ust be h igher
than t he rating o f the uni t. The c ord must
be marked with the suffix “W-A” (in Cana-
da, “W”). M ake sure your extension cord
is in good condition. Inspect extension
cord before use and replace if damaged.
An undersized extension cord will cause
a d rop in lin e vo lta g e resultin g in loss of
power and overheating. If in doubt, u se
the next heavier gauge. The smaller the
gauge number, the heavier the cord.
(NOTE: The correct size to be used de-
pending on the cord length is shown in
this manual).
Inspect the insulation and connectors on
the unit and extension cord before each
use. If there is any damage, do not use
until dam age is repaired by your Autho-
rized Service Dealer . Do not pull or carry
by cord; do not use cord as a handle,
close a door on cord, or pull cord around
sharp edges or corners. Keep cord away
from heated surfaces. Do not unplug by
pu llin gon co r d. Tounplug, grasp the plug,
not the cord.
To reduce the possibility of the exte nsio n
cord disconnecting from the unit during
operation, tie cord to cord retainer and
connect to recessed plug a s s hown i nthis
Don’t use the unit if the switch does not
turn the unit on and off properly. Have the
unit repaired b y an A uthorized Service
Dealer .
Keep extension cord clear of operator
and obstacles at all times. Do not expose
cords to heat, o il, water , or sharp edges.
A void any body contact with any
grounded conductor , such as me tal
fenc es, o r pipe s , t o avoid th e po s s ibility of