
S Dress properly. Always wear safety
glasses or similar eye protection when op-
unit.(Safetyglassesareavailable.) A lways
wearfaceordustmask ifoperationisdusty.
Always wear heavy, long pants, l o ng
sleeves, boots,andgloves.Donot gobare-
foot or wear sandals.
S Secure hairabove shoulder length.Secureor
remove loose clothing and jewelry or clothing
with loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels, etc.
They can be caught in m oving parts.
S Being fully covered also helps protect you
from debris and pieces of toxic plants
thrown by spinning line.
S Stayalert.Donotoperateunitwhenyoua re
tired,ill,upsetorunder influence ofalcohol,
drugs, or medication. W atch what you are
doing; use common sense.
S A void unintentional starting of the unit.
Keephands andfingers away fromthetrig-
ger switch while carrying the unit.
WARNING: Avoid a dangerous envi-
ronmen t. To reduce the risk o f electrical shock,
do not use on wet grass. Do not use in rain, i n
damp or wet locations, or around swimming
pools, hot tubs, etc. Do not expose to snow ,
rain, or water to avoid the possibility of el ectrical
S Only us e the charger provided with your
unit when charging the ba ttery . Use of any
other charger could permanently damage
the battery, charger, and/or the unit.
S Use charger with standard household electri-
cal outlets only (120 volt). Do not abuse the
charger or charger cord. Never carry the unit
by the charger cord or yank cord to discon-
nect from receptacle. Do not use the charger
if the charger or charger cord is damaged.
S Use the charger indoors only.
S Store and charge this unit in a dry location
and out of the reach of children.
S A void dangerous situations. Do notcharge
thebattery orusetheunit inanexplosiveor
corrosive environment. Avoid areas where
flammable liquids or gases are present to
avoid creating a fire o r explosion and/or
causing damage to unit.
S Donotoperateunitwhileitisattachedtothe
S Do not attempt to repair unit, battery or char-
ger . Inspect insulation and connectors on the
unit and charger before each use. If there i s
any damage, do not use until damage is re-
paired by your authorized service dealer .
S Donotinsertanyobjectintothemotorarea.
S Battery-powered units d o not have to be
plugged into an electrical outlet to operate;
therefore, they are always in operating condi-
tion. Be aware of possible hazards when you
are not using your battery-powered unit.
S Donot d ispose o f thebattery in afire. The cell
may explode. Check with local code for p rop-
er disposal. Do not open or mutilate the bat-
tery . Rele ased electrolyte is corrosive and
maycausedamagetotheeyes orskin. Itmay
be toxic if swallowed.
S When handling batteries, take care not to
short the battery with conducting materials
such as rings, bracelets, and keys. The bat-
tery or conductor may overheat and cause
S Do not use the unit if the trigger switch does
not t urn theuniton andof fproperly.Repairs to
the switch must b e made by your authorized
service dealer .
S Never imm erse anypart of t heunit orchar-
ger into any liquid.
S Inspect charger cord periodically and if
damaged, have it repaired or replaced by
an authorized service dealer.
S Disconnect charger from receptacle when
not in use to reduce the risk of electric
shock or serious personal injury .
S Inspect unit before use. Replace damaged
parts. Make sure all handles, guards, and
fasteners are in place and securely fas-
tened. Parts that are damaged must be re-
pairedorreplacedby anauthorizedservice
dealer These include head parts that are
cracked, orchipped, guards, andanyother
part that is damaged.
S Do not repair unit yourself.
S Use only 0.065 inch (1.65 mm) diameter
recommendedt rimmerline(seeUSERRE-
Never use wire, rope, string, etc.
S Use specified trimmer spool. Make sure
spool is properly installed and all parts are
securely fastened.
S Useonly WEEDEATERreplacementparts
and accessories as recommended.
WARNING: Inspect area to be cut.
Remove objects (rocks, broken glass, nails,
wire, string, etc.) which can be thrown or be-
come entangled in cutting head.
S Donotoverreachorstandon unstablesup-
port. Keep firm footing and balance.
S Keep the cutting head below waist level. Do
not raise handles above your waist. Cutting
head can come dangerously close to your
S Keep away from cutting head andspinning
S Use unit properly. Use only for trimming,
scalping, and mowing. Donot force unit.It
will dothejob betterand withless risk ofin-
jury at the rate for which it was designed.
S Useonly indaylightoringoodartificiallight.
WARNING: Stop unit before per-
forming maintenance. Keep hands and fin-
gers awayfromthetrigger switch toavoidac-
changing trimmer line.
S Maintainunit according torecommended pro-
cedures. Keep cutting line at proper length.
Follow instructions for changing trimmer line.