S Disconnectun itfromthe powers ource.
S Remove the spool by firmly pulling on
the tap button.
S Clean entire surface of hub and spool.
S Replace wit h apre-wound spool,or cut a
leng th of 30 feet of 0.06 5 diameter
WEED EATER brand li ne.Use ofheavi-
er line could overl oad and damage the
unit. Never use wi re, rope, string, etc.,
which can br eak off and become a da n-
gerous mi ssile .
S I nsert one end of the line about 1/2 inch
(1 c m)into the sm all s l otinside the s pool.
S Wind the line evenly a nd tightly onto
the spool. Wind in the direction of the
arrow found on the spool.
S Push the line into the notch, leaving 3
to 5 inches (7 -- 12 cm) unwound.
S Insert the line into the ex it hole in the
hub as shown in the illustration.
Line exit hole
Line in
S Align the notch with the line exit hole.
S Push the s pool into the hub until it
snaps into place, while keeping light
tension on the end of the line.
S Pullon theline extendingoutside ofthe
hub to release it from the notch; other-
wise, the unit will not function properly.
WARNING: Perform the following
steps after each use.
S Stop the unitand disconnect the power
source when not in us e.
S Carry the unit with motor stopped.
S Store the unit so the line limiter blade
cannot cause injury.
S Store unit and extension cord indoors
in a high, dry place out of the reach of
children. Store unit unplugged.
S Storeunitwithall guardsin place.Posi-
tion unit so that any sharp object can-
not ac cidentally cause injury.
For assistance, or a replacement part
call: 1-800-554-6723.
ety Glasses 952701645
Spool with 30’ line 952701663
50’ coil of bulk line. 952701550
100’ coil of line. 952701533
200’ coil of line. 952701594