head st ops
under a load or
does not turn
when switch is
1. Allow tip of line to do the cutting.
2. Cont act your authorized service dealer .
3. Check Br eaker Box.
4. Remove debris.
Line does not
advance or
breaks while
1. Check line routing.
2. Rewind line tightly and evenly.
3. Use only .065 in. (1.65mm) dia. line.
4. Remove cover and pull 4 in.
(10 cm) of line out of head.
5. Clean unit.
Line welds onto
1. Use only .065 in. (1.65mm) dia. line.
2. Replace with correct spool.
3. Cut with t ip of line fully e xtended.
Line releases
1. Check line routing.
2. Replace spool.
Line pulls back
into head.
1. Too little line o utside
of head.
2. Line size incorrect .
1. Remove cover and pull 4 in .
(10 cm) of line outside of head.
2. Use only .065 in. (1.65 mm) dia. line.
1. Line improperly
routed in head.
2. Spool damaged.
1. Line size is incorrect.
2. Incorrect spool.
3. Line is being crowded
against material being
1. Line improperly rout e d
in head.
2. Line improperly
wound onto spool.
3. Incorrect line size
4. Not enough line
outside of head.
5. Dirt buildup on unit.
1. Crowding trimmer line
against material being
2. Electrical failur e.
3. Thrown circuit breaker .
4. Debris stopping head.
Line usage is
1. Check line routing.
2. Replace spool.
3. Cut wit h tip of line fully extended.
4. Replace spool.
1. Line im properly routed
in head.
2. Line size is incorrect.
3. Crowding line against
material being cut.
4. Spool worn or damaged.
WARNING: Alwaysstop unitanddisconnect fromthe powersourcebefore
performingallof therecommended remedies below exceptremedies thatre-
quire operation of the unit.