IPS-800/1600-D20 Series - User’s Guide
iii. Via Modem: Use your communications program to dial the
number for the phone line which is connected to your external
modem. The Plug Status Screen should be displayed as shown
in Figure 3.2. Note that in order to communicate with the
unit via modem, you must first access the command mode via
Network or Local PC, and use the Serial Parameters Menu to
set the Port Mode to "Modem."
2. Test Switching Functions: You may wish to perform the following tests
in order to make certain that the IPS is responding to commands.
a) Reboot Outlet: If you are communicating with the unit via the Web
Browser Interface, select the button in the "Boot" column for Plug 1,
and then click on "Apply." If you are operating the unit via the Text
interface, type /BOOT 1 and press [Enter]. The status indicator
for Plug 1 should go off, pause for a moment, and then go back on,
indicating that the boot cycle has been successfully completed.
b) Switch Outlet Off: From the Web Browser Interface, select the
button in the "Off" column for Plug 1, and then click "Apply." From
the Text Interface, type
/OFF 1 and press [Enter]. The status
indicator for Plug 1 should go Off, indicating that the command has
been successfully completed. Leave Plug 1 in the "Off" state, and
then proceed to the next step.
c) Switch Outlet On: From the Web Browser Interface, select the
button in the "On" column for Plug 1, and then click "Apply." From
the Text Interface, type
/ON 1 and press [Enter]. The status
indicator for Plug 1 should then go back On, indicating that the
command has been successfully completed.
3. Log Out: When you have finished communicating with the unit it is
important to always log off by issuing the appropriate IPS command,
rather than simply closing your Telnet or communications program.
When you log off using the proper IPS command, this ensures that the
unit has completely exited from command mode, and is not waiting for
the inactivity timeout to elapse before allowing additional connections.
a) Web Browser Interface: Click on the "Log Out" button.
b) Text Interface: Type /X and press [Enter].
This completes the Quick Start Guide for the IPS. Prior to placing the unit into
operation, it is recommended to refer to the remainder of this User’s Guide for
important information regarding advanced configuration capabilities and more
detailed operation instructions. If you have further questions regarding the IPS
unit, please contact WTI Customer Support as described in Appendix C.