PF (Power Failure) If the household power goes off and the control was in RUN mode or
PAUSE mode, the electronic control board will display a power failure
error code.
To resume operation from where the last cycle was interrupted, press
the START keypad.
To switch to STANDBY mode, press the STOP/CANCEL keypad.
The dryer will not run if the exhaust temperature drops below 18˚F
or exceeds 250˚F.
When the thermistor circuit is open (>50K Ω), the error code E1 flashes
in the display.
E2 When the thermistor circuit is shorted (<500 Ω), the error code E2
flashes in the display.
NOTE: During a cycle, if the error condition is detected, the control delays action
one (1) minute for the start of the cycle to allow temperatures to get into the
allowable range. During diagnostics, the error is displayed immediately. If the
START keypad is pressed, an invalid tone will sound, and the dryer will remain
in PROGRAM mode. The dryer will not start until the failed thermistor is replaced.
E3 (Keyswitch or Flashes when there is a keyswitch or software mismatch. NOTE: This error code
Software Mismatch) is displayed only in the diagnostics mode.
(Thermistor Failure)
˚F K (1000) Ω
50 19.9
60 15.3
70 11.9
80 9.2
90 7.4
100 5.7
110 4.7
120 3.7
130 3.1
140 2.5