Th e cont ro l panel can be clea ned by using a lig htly dampen ed c loth.
Aft er cl eaning, m ake sure to dry it thoroug hly.
For t he e xteri or, use a g ood appli ance po li s h wax .
Never use sharp object s, scouri ng pads o r h arsh clean ers on a ny part of the dis hwa sher.
Protect Against Freezing
1.Cut off the electrical power to the dishwasher.
2.Turn off the wat er suppl y and dis connec t th e wat er inlet pipe from the wate r valve.
3.Drain the water from the inlet pipe and water valve. (Use a pan to catch the water)
4.Reconnect the water i nl et pi pe to the wate r valve.
5.Remove the filter at the bott om o f the tub and use a spong e t o soak up water in the sump.
pl ease take frost protect ion meas ures on t he dishw asher in wint er. Ev ery fter wa shing c ycles,
pl ease operate as follow s
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Inspect t he filter s fo r blo ckin g a fter e ver y tim e t he dishwa sher has been us ed.
- By unscrew ing t he coar se fi lter, you can remove t he filter syst em . Re mov e an y foo d r emna nts and
clean the filters under running water.
Cleaning the Filter
Cleaning The Door
To c le an th e co a rs e f ilter and t he f i ne f i l t e r, use a c l ean i n g bru sh. Re as sem ble the filt er parts as sho wn i n th e f i gur es
on th e last pa ge and r eins ert t he enti re ass emb ly in the dishwa sher, pos itio ning i t i n i ts seat and pressing dow nw ar ds .
The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
When cleaning the filters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could be
contorted and theperformance of the dishwasher could be decreased.
To cle an the e dge around t he d oor, you sho uld use only a soft wa rm, d amp clot h.
To avoi d pene trat ion o f wa ter into the door lock and el ectr ica l componen ts, d o not
use a spray cle aner of any ki nd.
Never use a spray c leaner t o cl ean t he d oor panel as it may dam age the door loc k
and electrical components.
Abr asive agent s or some paper towels s hou ld not b e u sed because of th e ris k of
sc r a t c hi ng or le av in g s pots on th e st ainles s stee l s urf a ce.
Cleaning the Spray Arms
It is necessary to clean th e sp ra y a rms regular ly in orde r to
remove the accum ulation of scale from the hard wat er
and thus pre vent blocki ng of spr ay arm jets and bear ings.
We Suggest to poke t he b locked spray arm jets wit h a nee dle
to ensure good w ashing effect .
I f you r dis hwas he r ca nnot w ork be ca u s e of the ic e, p l e a se cont a ct p ro fe ss io nal s erv ic e p er so ns.