For visually and physically impaired consumers
The dryer (LE6100XS/LG6101XS) you have
purchased features easy to read:
control panel instructions
Use & Care literature
For consumers who have difficulty turning
the control knobs, an Easy Grip Knob kit is
available. The kit includes easy to grip
rubber control knob covers for your dryer
and the matching washer (LA61OOXS).
For visually impaired consumers, audio
cassettes and Braille Use & Care literature
are also available.
If you need the Easy Grip Knob kit, Braille or
audio cassette version of Use & Care literature
in order to use this appliance, please write to:
Literature Department
Whirlpool Corporation
LaPorte Division
1900 Whirlpool Drive
LaPorte, IN 46350
Select one of the following materials:
Kit 389211
Easy Grip Knob kit*
Kit 787482
Audio Cassette Use & Care
Kit 787481
Braille Use & Care literature
*One Easy Grip Knob kit contains knob covers
for both your dryer and the LA61OOXS washer.
If ordering for both appliances, order only
one kit.
Include your name, mailing address plus the
model and serial numbers for your Whirlpool
appliance to the address shown above. We
will send the kit you select at no charge.