
Setting Drying
Modern dryers are designed with
drying temperatures needed to safely
handle modern fabrics. Cooldown
times hove been added to heat set-
trngs. You might notrce slightly longer
dryrng times
The time It takes to dry CI load
depends on
lbe knd of fabric, ifs weight and the
size of the iood A large load of jeans
WIII take a lot longer to dry than a small
load of light synthetics.
0 The amount of moisture in the iood
Towels hold a lot of moisture; synthetics
don’t. Synthetics dry faster
Temperature of the rinse water Cold
rinses cause less wrinkling and help save
energy, but a cold load will take slightly
longer to dry than a warm one.
Amount of iint on the screen A full lint
screen slows the air flow and can make
drying time longer
Room femperoture The dryer heats
room air If the room temperature is not
above 45 F (7 2 C), drying time WIII
be longer and removal of wrrnkles may
be poor. Use a TIMED DRY Control
Proper instaiiation and exhaust sys-
terns For the fastest possrble drying
time, installing and exhausting your
dryer properly IS important. See installa-
tion instructions
1 7
The dryer will beep five times to
let you know when the cycle IS finished.
Dryer will also beep after each FINISH
GUARD tumbling.
The slgnal is helpful when you are
drying permanent press, synthetics
and other items that should be taken
out as soon us the dryer stops
The signal can’t be turned off and
it is not adjustable.
lint Screen
The lint screen IS under the lid on
top of the dryer.
Clean the lint screen
each load. A screen that’s blocked by
lint can cause longer drying times.
To remove the screen, open the
lid and pull the screen straight out. Roll
the lint off the screen with your fingers.
DO NOT rinse the screen or wash
Wet lint IS hard to remove.
When replacing the screen, push
It firmly Into place. Close the lid
Drum light
When the light Inside the drum
needs to be changed, you can reach It
through the dryer door.
Unplug the dryer to avoid possible
electrical shock
2. Open the door and remove the light-
bulb cover by turning It clockwrse.