Timed Cycle(s)
Use a Timed cycle to complete drying if
some items are damp after Automatic dry-
ing. Timed drying is also useful for:
l Delicate items and small loads that need
a short drying time.
l Bulky items and large loads that require
a long drying time.
Air Cycle
The Air cycle has no heat. Use this un-
heated cycle to fluff or air dry bedding,
plastic tablecloths, foam pillows, sneakers,
etc. See page 9 for more information about
the Air cycle.
Fire Hazard
Do not dry heat-sensitive fabrics, plastic,
rubber, or some stuffed items with heat.
Use the Fluff Air cycle, if available, or
dry these items on a line or rack.
Failure to do so could result in fire or
damaged items.
LER3622D LGR3622D
LER3622D LGR3622D