If You Need Assistance
Or Service
This section is designed to help you save the cost of a service call. First we outline possible problems,
their causes and their solutions. However, you may still need assistance or service. When calling our
Consumer Assistance Center for help or calling for service, you will need to provide a complete descrip
tion of the problem, your appliance’s complete model and serial numbers and the purchase date. (See
page 2.) This information is needed to respond to your request properly.
1. Before calling for assistance . . .
Performance problems often result from little things you can find and fix without toots of any kind. Please
check the chart below for problems you can fix. It could save you the cost of a service call
Dryer will not run.
Power cord is plugged into
live Turn cycle control knob to OFF. Firmly
circuit with proper voltage. plug cord into electrical outlet. Check
circuit voltage at fuse/circuit breaker
box. Reset controls and push start
Dryer door is closed.
Cbse door firmly.
Start button is pushed firmly. Push start button.
Controls are set in a running or Set controls and push start button.
ON position.
Home’s main fuse has blown or
circuit breaker has tripped. Also
check if
timedelay fuse or
circuit breaker has been used.
Turn cycle control knob to OFF.
Replace fuse with a timedelay fuse
of the correct capacity. Reset circuit
breaker. Reset controls and push
start button.
Dryer will not heat
Cycle control knob or tempera-
ture selector is set on AIR.
Heat cycle is in its last minutes
(there is no heat during that
Reset cycle control knob or tempera-
ture selector to heat setting.
for cycle to finish.
Home’s main fuse has blown
Turn cycle control knob to OFF.
or circuit breaker
has tripped.
Replace fuse with a timedelayed fuse
Also check if a time-delayed fuse
of the coned capacity. Reset circuit
or circuit breaker has been used.
breaker. Reset controls and push start
The circuit supplying an electric dryer
uses 2
breakers or 2 fuses. ff one
breaker has tripped or one fuse has
bbwn, the dryer may run, but not heat.
Gas shutoff valves are open
Turn cycle control knob to OFF. Open
both on dryer and on supply line
gas valves. Wait 5 minutes. Reset
if yours is a gas dryer.
controls and push start button.
Lint screen is clean.
Clean lint screen. See instructions on
page 9.
See ‘Slow drying’ section of table,
page 14, for additional information.
Exhaust duct or outside exhaust
Clean if needed.
hood is clogged.