EPL Commands
12/16/13 EPL Programming Guide 14245L-003 Rev. A
The backslash (\) character designates the following character is a literal and will encode into
the data field. Refer to the following examples:
Within forms, further limitations include that a NULL (ASCII 0) character may not appear
within bar code DATA and entry limitations do not provide for a way to enter linefeed
characters into variables.
The programmer should rely on the symbology’s specification to insure format compliance
and proper implementation. See the AIM web site for specifications at:
To Print Enter into data field
Table 2 • Data Matrix Symbol Geometries
Rows Columns
data size
8 18 10 6 5
8 32 20 13 10
10 10 6 3 3
12 12 10 6 5
12 26 32 22 16
12 36 44 31 22
14 14 16 10 8
16 16 24 16 12
16 36 64 46 32
16 48 98 72 49
18 18 36 25 18
20 20 44 31 22
22 22 60 43 30
24 24 72 52 36
26 26 88 64 44
1. Paired digits represent the best-case compression. Adjacent digit pairs can be encoded
into eight bits.
2. The implied compressibility requires the data be composed of either all lowercase or all
uppercase characters with digits and spaces allowed.
3. Any ASCII character (0–127) can be encoded one-to-one, extended ASCII (128-255)
requires an additional two-byte overhead.