API Guide
1-10 Getting Started 601355 Rev A
VolServ API
To integrate the VolServ API in a client application, the client
includes the header file vs_client.h in the source modules
that reference the VolServ API types and functions. The client
then links the program with the VolServ API library
libvsapi.a with the -lvsapi option for the cc or ld
The following five header files are delivered with the VolServ
Before any command can be sent by the client program, the
VolServ API must by initialized with a call to
VS_Initialize. The routine VS_Initialize creates and
initializes the APIs required variables and creates a
communication link with VolServ. Before the client program
terminates, it calls the
VS_Terminate routine to allow the
VolServ API to clean up its processing.
For example:
Header Files Description
vs_client.h Includes the VolServ API header files needed
by the client.
vs_defs.h Includes the VolServ API definitions needed
for the parameter lists.
vs_types.h Includes the VolServ API types and
vs_globals.h Includes the VolServ API global variables that
are accessible to the client.
vs_proto.h Includes the prototypes for all VolServ API