24 en | Troubleshooting
F.01U.097.269 | 4.0 | 2012.02 Firmware Update Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
3.2 AutoDome 700 / AutoDome 800
This section offers suggestions if a firmware upgrade fails in an AutoDome 700 or an
AutoDome 800.
3.2.1 Web Browser Issues
The browser displayed video correctly before the upgrade, but is no longer streams after com-
pleting the upgrade process. Do a manual refresh of the LivePage. If this does not work, check
to ensure the following:
– Microsoft® Internet Explorer® version
You must use Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher.
– Bosch MPEG ActiveX version
Compare the Bosch MPEG ActiveX version number, displayed in the Internet Explorer
information bar, to the latest version available on the Bosch Security Systems Web site
– Java version
Microsoft Java is not longer supported. Install the latest Sun Java VM available on the V
the Bosch Security Systems Web site (www.boschsecurity.us).
– DirectX version
The version of DirectX must be 9.0c or higher. Install the latest version available on the
Bosch Security Systems Web site (www.boschsecurity.us).
3.2.2 IP Firmware Upgrade Fails
If an error message appears stating that the IP firmware upgrade has failed, navigate to the
following special URL:
Where IP_AutoDome_IP_Address is the IP address for your IP AutoDome.
The browser then displays the following window:
Figure 3.2 IP Firmware Upgrade URL
Click Browse and navigate to the IP directory. Select the IP firmware file and click OK. Then
click Upload to attempt the IP firmware upload again. If the upgrade fails again, contact Bosch
technical support for assistance.
3.3 Upgrading Firmware with the CTFID
These suggestions are applicable if upgrading using the CTFID software with either a Bilinx or
a serial hardware connection.
3.3.1 CTFID does not Connect
Ensure that the latest version of CTFID has been installed from a CD or downloaded from the
Bosch web site (www.boschsecurity.us).