Vi sta Pix is a binocu lar inte grated with a digi tal came ra that is great f or
sport ing even ts, conc erts and w ildlife activ ities su ch as hunt ing or
bird- watchi ng. Vista Pix lets you rec ord memo ries and sight s at the
touch of a but ton. Use t he full- feature d bino cular fo r clos er views a nd
captu re image s to tak e home w ith you a t the sa me time. VistaP ix makes
it pos sible to s hare you r fun wi th other s by dow nloadi ng image s from t he
camer a righ t to you r comp uter to e -mail to y our frie nds and fa mily.
˙ Avoid dropping VistaPix.Do not disassemble VistaPi x.
Usage of the battery
˙ Please always use Alkaline Battery(AAA Alkaline Battery).
˙ Please remove batteries when not using your VistaPix for long periods
of time.
˙Never immerse VistaPix into any fluid or liquid.Remove dust or stains
with a soft cloth dampened with water or neutral detergent.
Keep in a dry and cool dust-free environment or a container when it is
not used.
About usage
˙ To avoid damage do not use VistaPix under the following conditions.
1.Places in temperature higher that 100 F.(35 C)
2.Damp or dust places.
3.Places with strong electromagnetic field.
˙ Please do not disassemble or repair the product to avoid malfunction.
˙ Please do not drop the product on the ground to avoid malfunction.