27D-Link DCS-930 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Setup > FTP
FTP Server
Host Address:
Port Number:
User Name:
Directory Path:
Passive Mode:
This is the IP address of the FTP server that you will be connecting to.
Default is port 21. If changed, external FTP client program must change
the server connection port accordingly.
Species the user name to access the external FTP server. If you are
to upload snapshots to an FTP server you will need to ll in the Domain
name or IP address of your external FTP server. The following user
settings must be correctly congured for remote access.
Species the password to access the external FTP server.
Species the destination folder in the external FTP server.
Enabling passive mode will allow access to an external FTP server if
your camera is behind a router protected by a rewall.
This section allows you to congure a FTP server to receive images from the camera.