¾ One-way tour Mode: Press Tour to enter the tour mode. The system will ask you
to enter the tour number you would like to run, and starts the tour after pressing
Enter. To preset a tour before running it is necessary.
Preset a one-way tour: Press Set + Tour to preset a one-way tour. The system will
ask you to enter preset position numbers (The positions need to be preset). After
finish entering all positions, press Stop to quit, and then press Enter to save the
¾ To-and-fro tour mode: Press Shift + Tour to run a to-and-fro tour. The system will
ask you to enter the tour number you would like to run, and starts the tour after
pressing Enter. To preset a tour before running it is necessary.
Note 1: The difference between the One-way tour mode and To-and-fro tour mode is their
return modes. For example: There is a tour with 3 preset positions 1, 2 and 3. The camera
runs 1→2→3→1→2→3 in the One-way tour mode, and 1→2→3→2→1 in the To-and-fro
tour mode.
Note 2: You could set a pattern tour. Press Set + Tour, and input 0, press Enter. Sway the
joystick to record the entire tour. Press Stop to stop recording tour. To view this pattern
tour, simply press Tour, and input tour number 0.
4.5. Alarm Link to a Position/Tour
The EPTZ1000has 4 alarm inputs that can be set to link to a position or a tour when an
alarm is triggered.
¾ Set an alarm link:
Press F1 to set an alarm link. Enter the alarm number, and then press Enter.
Switch the Joystick up/down to select a position or a tour, enter a position or tour
number, and then press Enter to confirm the alarm link setting.