Sensor size 31 Mpixels (4872 x 6496 pixels)
Sensor dimensions 33.1 x 44.2 mm
Pixel size 6.8 μm
Image size RAW 3FR: 40 MB. RGB TIFF 8 bit: 93 MB
True Focus Yes
Shooting mode Single Shot
ISO speed range ISO 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800
Shutter Speed 32 sec. - 1/800
Color depth 16 bit
Color management Hasselblad Natural Color Solution
CF storage capacity 4 GB CF card holds 100 images on average
Capture rate 1.2 sec. per capture. 42 captures per min.
Color display 3 inch TFT type, 24 bit color, 230 400 pixels
Host connection type FireWire 800 (IEEE1394b)
Sensor size 40.0 Mpixels (7304 x 5478 pixels)
Sensor dimensions 32.9 x 43.8mm
Pixel size 6.0 μm
Image size RAW 3FR: 50 MB. RGB TIFF 8 bit: 120 MB
True Focus Yes
Shooting mode Single Shot
ISO speed range ISO 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600
Shutter Speed 256 sec. - 1/800
Color depth 16 bit
Color management Hasselblad Natural Color Solution
CF storage capacity 4 GB CF card holds 75 images on average
Capture rate 1.1 sec. per capture. 50 captures per min.
Color display 3 inch TFT type, 24 bit color, 230 400 pixels
Host connection type FireWire 800 (IEEE1394b)
Entry-level H4D model featuring a 31 mega-pixel sensor to
produce quality far above the best '35 mm' cameras.
The H4D 40 differs slightly from the other H4D models by
featuring very long exposure times of up to 256 seconds. In
addition it provides an ISO range from 100 − 1600.