Care and maintenance of sensor unit
Handling and storage
• AlwaysreplacetheprotectiveCCD/ltercoverwhenthesensorunitisnotmounted
on the camera.
• DonottouchtheexposedCCD/lterwithyourngers.
• Keepallforeignobjectsoutofthecameraopening.
• Storethesensorunitawayfrommoistureandexcessiveheat.
• Protectthesensorunitfromimpact–donotdropit.
Cleaning the CCD Infrared Filter
If you see dark or colored spots or lines in your images, then you may need to clean
the outer surface of the sensor unit’s infrared (IR) lter. In most cases, the careful use
of compressed air will be adequate though if you use canned compressed air, read the
instructions very carefully before use to avoid spraying impurities or even ice on the
lter! Sometimes, however, small particles will get stuck to the surface of the IR lter,
requiring for a more thorough cleaning, involving either uid or wipes. For a good safe
cleaning, follow descriptions below.
Basic air-cleaning procedure / removing the sensor unit
1. Remove a FireWire if connected.
2. Remove the viewnder.
3. While pushing the safety catch backwards on the sensor unit (3 illus. A) push the
lever of the sensor unit release button to the right (3 illus. B) and while maintaining
that position press the centre of the button rmly inwards towards the camera body
(3 illus. C) to nally release the magazine.
4. Clean the outside surface of IR lter by spraying it with clean compressed air (see
warning above rst). If this is not enough, then use one of the procedures outlined
5. Reattach the sensor unit to the camera immediately after cleaning to check results.
6. If you still see spots on your shots after you have cleaned the outside of the infrared
lter, then you may have dust either on the inside of the IR lter or on the CCD itself.
Never attempt to remove the glass
lter from the front of the CCD – you
will probably ruin the CCD if you do
so. If dust manages to get between
the IR lter and CCD, it can only be
removed at the Hasselblad factory.
Contact your Hasselblad dealer for