Hawking Technology HNC700PT Digital Camera User Manual

Security configuration URL
URL: /setup/security.cgi
rootpass <text string shorter than 15 characters> change root password
username <text string shorter than 15 characters> add new user
userpass <text string shorter than 15 characters> new user's password
deluser <text string shorter than 15 characters> existing user name
action <blank> validate demo users with “open”
yes grant for demo account open
no prohibit for demo account
yes permission for DIDO access dido
no prohibit for DIDO access
Network configuration URL
URL: /setup/network.cgi
yes enable installation at next boot reset
no disable installation at next boot
ip <IP address> The Network Camera's IP address
subnet <IP address> subnet mask
router <IP address> default gateway
domain <text string shorter than 40 characters> domain name of the Network Camera
dns1 <IP address> primary DNS server
dns2 <IP address> secondary DNS server
smtp1 <domain name or IP address> primary SMTP server
mailto1 <string shorter than 80 characters> mail recipient address
smtp2 <domain name or IP address> secondary SMTP server
mailto2 <text string shorter than 80 characters> mail recipient address
returnemail <text string shorter than 80 characters> return email address
ftpp <number less than 65535> FTP port
ftp1 <domain name or IP address> primary FTP server
ftpuser1 <text string shorter than 15 characters> user name for primary FTP server
ftppass1 <text string shorter than 15 characters> password for primary FTP server
ftpfolder1 <text string shorter than 40 characters> upload folder in primary FTP server