If you have just one set of HSL connectors on your system unit, they
are labeled A0 and A1.
If you have more than one set of HSL connectors on your system
unit, the first set is labeled A0 and A1. The remaining HSL connectors
are labeled alphabetically. For example, if you have an 830, there are
four sets of HSL connectors on your system. They are labeled A0 and
A1; B0 and B1; C0 and C1; D0 and D1.
Unused HSL connectors are covered with metal clips. Remove the
clips before you install the HSL cables.
__ c. Write down which set of HSL connectors are available here: _____ ,
__ 2. Connect the cables to your 5074.
__ a. Find the HSL cables, SPCN cable, and power cable that is shipped
with your expansion unit.
__ b. Attach a label to each end of the HSL cables.
__ c. Label one HSL cable 0 at both ends.
__ d. Label the other HSL cable 1 at both ends.
__ e. Remove the back cover for your expansion unit. See Appendix A,
“Removing the back covers” on page 31 if you need information
about removing the cover.
__ f. Connect the HSL cable that is labeled 0 to the HSL connector that is
labeled 0 on your 5074.
__ g. Connect the HSL cable that is labeled 1 to the HSL connector that is
labeled 1 on your 5074.
__ h. Connect the SPCN cable to connector J15 on your 5074.
__ i. Connect the power cable. Do not plug into the wall outlet.
__ j. Close or replace the back cover to your 5074.
__ 3. Connect the cables from your 5074 to your system unit.
__ a. Connect the HSL cable that is labeled 0 to the corresponding HSL
connector that you found in step 1c.
__ b. Connect the HSL cable that you labeled 1 to the corresponding HSL
connector that you found in step 1c.
__ c. Connect the SPCN cable that comes from your expansion unit to the
connector that is labeled J15.
__ 4. If you are installing a new iSeries server with this expansion unit, return to
the Cabling instructions.
__ 5. Go to Chapter 5, “Completing your installation” on page 27.
Connecting your 5074 to another expansion unit
This section contains instructions for connecting your 5074 expansion unit to a loop
with other expansion units. You can only connect your 5074 with other expansion
units that have HSL hardware.
This section contains three separate procedures. Follow the procedure that best
matches your system’s configuration:
v “Connecting your 5074 at the beginning of a loop” on page 11.
v “Connecting your 5074 to the middle of a loop” on page 13.
v “Connecting your 5074 to the end of a loop” on page 14.
10 Setting up your 0578, 5074, 5078 or 5079 Expansion Unit V5R2