Interpretation Change LED setting. Specify "on" or "off". If "on" is set, LED becomes off after restarting. To
validate the change, use "camera.status=save" API.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting LED blinking mode
Format /api/param?camera.identify
Example of Response camera.identify=off&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire LED blinking setting. "on" or "off" is returned. If thie is "on", LED is blinking.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting LED blinking mode
Format /api/param?camera.identify=data
Example /api/param?camera.identify=on
Example of Response
camera.identify&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change LED blinking setting. Specify "on" or "off". If "on" is set, LED starts blinking. To validate
the change, use "camera.status=save" API.
Allowed users admin, operator
27. JVC API for Getting Status
The APIs below are related to status acquisition. These are equivalent to the features on the Operation/Settings
page of the WEB setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Operation/Settings page.
Getting Sending Status
Format /api/param?system.session
Response Return the total transmission bit rate, and status of each sending operation. Transmission is not
carried out in the following examples.
system.session=&200 OK
system.session.total_bitrate=0k&200 OK
system.session.sending_count=0&200 OK
system.session.sending_max=20&200 OK
In the examples below, 1 JPEG stream of TCP is being sent.
system.session=&200 OK
system.session.total_bitrate=388k&200 OK