Setting Port Number of HTTP
Format /api/param?network.http.port=data
Example of Response network.http.port&202 Accepted(network.http(configuration).status=restart)
Interpretation Change port number of HTTP server in the camera. Default value is 80. To validate the change,
use "network.http(configuration).status=restart" or "network.http.status=restart" API.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Status of AMX Discovery Protocol
Format /api/param?network.amx.beacon.status
Example of Response network.amx.beacon.status=on&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire status of AMX Discovery Protocol in the camera. "on" or "off" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator
Setting Status of AMX Discovery Protocol
Format /api/param?network.amx.beacon.status=data
Example /api/param?network.amx.beacon.status=on
Example of Response network.amx.beacon.status&200 OK
Interpretation Change status of AMX Discovery Protocol in the camera. Specify "on" for interoperability with
AMX products.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Status of PSIA Protocol
Format /api/param?network.psia.status
Example of Response network.psia.status=on&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire status of PSIA Protocol in the camera. "on" or "off" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Status of PSIA Protocol
Format /api/param?network.psia.status=data
Example /api/param?network.psia.status=on
Example of Response network.psia.status&200 OK
Interpretation Change status of PSIA protocol in the camera. Specify "on" or “off”. When status of ONVIF
protocol is set to “on”, status of PSIA protocol will not be “on”.
Allowed users admin, operator