Kodak CX4210 Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 1
Camera Modes
The camera has four modes: Capture, Review, Share, and Setup. You can
always tell which mode the camera is in:
Capture the LCD is blank, no image
is displayed. If you press the down arrow,
the status bar and mode icon are displayed.
See Chapter 2, Taking PicturesCapture
Mode. But remember, you can press the
Shutter button and take a picture anytime,
no matter what mode the camera is in!
Review the mode icon is displayed
on the LCD. See Chapter 3, Reviewing
PicturesReview Mode.
SharePrint, Email, and Favorites appear
in the menu bar; a picture is displayed. See
Chapter 4, Tagging PicturesShare Mode.
SetupSetup mode is an option on both
the Capture and Review menus. The menu
bar is bright yellow; a picture is never
displayed. See Chapter 5, Customizing
Camera SettingsSetup Mode.