Kodak CX6230 Digital Camera User Manual

5 Sharing Pictures and Videos
The Share button lets you “tag” your pictures and videos. When they are
transferred to your computer, you can share:
When Can I Tag My Pictures and Videos?
Press the Share button to tag pictures and videos:
! Any time (the last picture taken and the Share menu are displayed).
! Just after you take them, during Quickview (see page 20 and page 36).
! After pressing the Review button (see page 41).
NOTE: Tags remain until removed. If a tagged picture or video is copied, the tag
is not copied.
Tagged Pictures Tagged Videos
! By print
! By email
! As Favorites, for easy organization on
your computer
! By email
! As Favorites
Print (page 52)
Email (page 53)
Favorite (page 54)