Kodak Gen 5 GRD, GRD7, GRDM & GR7M Film
Technical Information Data Sheet – TI2375
August 2006
1. Support
Dimensionally Stable Support
GRD, GRDM 4 mil (0.004 in., 0.10mm) Estar base
GRD7, GR7M 7 mil (0.007 in., 0.18mm) Estar thick base
2. Dimensional Stability
Dimensional stability is an all-inclusive term. In photography, it applies to size changes caused by
changes in humidity and in temperature, and by processing and aging. The dimensional properties of The
Estar base may vary slightly in different directions within a sheet; the differences that may exist, however,
are not always aligned with the length and width directions:
Data for the 4-mil products (GRD, GRDM):
Thermal Coefficient of Linear Expansion
Unprocessed or Processed 0.001% per ° F (0.0018% per ° C)
Humidity Coefficient of Linear Expansion
Unprocessed 0.0017% per % RH
Processed 0.0016% per % RH
Processing Dimensional Change
Dependent on drying conditions