Width, Length :
To specify a custom paper size, use the scroll bar or enter the paper
size directly. The unit specified in [Option]-[Generic]-[Unit/Scaling]
will be applied to the unit in this window.
♦ Scanning Area
Specifies the start position, width and length for the image scan. The maximum allowable
size is the paper size selected previously.
In addition, the minimum size is 1.000 inch, 26 millimeters, or pixels (number of dots per
inch) according to the unit that has been set.
"Left": The left end of the scan area on the scanned document (X coordinate)
"Top": The top end of the scan area or the scanned document (Y coordinate)
"Width": The width of the scan area
"Length": The length of the scan area
These values are related to one another in the following way:
0 ≤ left end coordinate < (paper width - minimum scan area size)
0 ≤ top end coordinate < (paper length - minimum scan area size)
Minimum value ≤ width ≤ (paper width - left end coordinate)
Minimum value ≤ length ≤ (paper length - top end coordinate)
♦ Scan Type
Selects the feeding device.
The image scanner uses a document bed called the flat bed as well as an automatic
document feeder (ADF) for feeding scanned document. The ADF usually enables the
documents to be scanned only once. The flat bed allows scanning the same documents
Flat bed
Scans a document placed on the flat bed of the device.
ADF (Front Side)
Scans the documents on the device's automatic document feeder (ADF). Here, only the
front sides are scanned.
ADF (Duplex)
To scan both the front and the back of a page, select this option.
If this option is selected, the documents are scanned in the "front to back to front to
back ..." order.