Shooting Features
Options Available in the Shooting Menu
Option Description A
Image mode
Allows you to set the combination of image size and image
quality used when saving images.
• Default setting: x 5152×3864
White balance
Allows you to adjust white balance to suit the weather
conditions or light source in order to make the colors in
images match what you see with your eyes.
• Default setting: Auto
Allows you to select single or continuous shooting.
• Default setting: Single
ISO sensitivity
Allows you to control the camera’s sensitivity to light.
• Default setting: Auto
When Auto is selected, E is displayed in the monitor while
shooting if ISO sensitivity increases.
Color options
Allows you to change the color tones of images.
• Default setting: Standard color
AF area mode
Allows you to determine how the camera selects the focus
area that is used for autofocus.
• Default setting: Target finding AF (A60)
Autofocus mode
Allows you to select either Single AF, which focuses only
when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway, or Full-
time AF, which continues focusing even when the shutter-
release button is not pressed halfway.
• Default setting: Single AF
Quick effects
Allows you to enable or disable the quick effects function
• Default setting: On