Nikon D3300 Digital Camera User Manual

Close upLandscape Child
Your best shot: We’ll take you there
Soften backgrounds
Selective color
Easy and comfortable Overflowing with fun
Release the artist in you with 13 easy-to-
use effects: Special effects
Everyone wants to take more appealing and
artistic still images and movies. The D3300
incorporates 13 special effects, which you can
apply to pictures and movies before shooting.
Simply set the mode dial to “EFFECTS” and
select the option you want to apply. The
resulting image appears on the LCD monitor
in real time, so that you
can confirm how it will look
before you shoot. Four new
options are available on the
D3300: easy panorama,
super vivid, pop, and photo illustration —
together offering you a wider range of
expression than ever before!
Easy panorama
Special effects incorporated in the D3300
• Night vision • Super vivid • Pop • Photo illustration*
• Color sketch*
• Toy camera effect
• Miniature effect*
• Selective color • Silhouette • High key • Low key • HDR painting*
• Easy panorama*
*1 A movie taken with these effects plays back like a slide show made up of a series of still images.
*2 A movie taken with this effect plays back at high speed.
*3 Movie recording and preview before shooting with these effects are not available.
Pop Photo illustration Toy camera effect
Find expression within
Super vivid
Step-by-step assistance, always at your side: Guide mode
The guide mode leads you through each step of camera
operation required to take your ideal still pictures and movies.
If you wish to create a picture with a blurred background
emphasizing the subject, simply turn the mode dial to “GUIDE”
and select “soften backgrounds” from the “Shoot/Advanced
operation” option. The camera displays an assist image, so that
you can confirm how the setting will change your picture. The
D3300’s guide mode offers a new “Retouch” option, providing
assistance to in-camera image editing. With this guide mode,
beginners can easily control the camera to achieve the pictures
they want, all the while learning about digital-SLR photography!
Select the mode that corresponds to your subject:
Scene modes
Scene modes let you easily create beautiful pictures,
without the need to adjust many settings. Simply rotate
the mode dial to one of six icons according to your
subject — portrait, landscape, child, sports, close up, and
night portrait. The D3300 automatically chooses the most
appropriate settings and delivers beautiful image results.
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Portrat Landscape Child Sports Close up Night portrait