Nikon mec-2-fl-d60-n105 Digital Camera User Manual

Use of Iris Camera MEC-2-FL-D60-N105 19
5. Put in the new batteries with the button end (positive) first.
The easy way to load the 4 button cells is to stack them up
(button end up) on a sheet of paper or card, slide the focus light
over them, then tilt the light with paper upright..
6. Replace the end cap by screwing it in all the way.
7. Replace the focus light on the illuminator, and position it so the flex end can be placed into the clip at the 12:00
position (top center) of the lens.
8. A set of batteries in the focus light will provide about 150 hours of illumination.
Using other lenses
For other photography you may remove the lens
and illuminator and attach another lens such as a
zoom, wide-angle, or macro lens. You will need to
change the top Mode dial from A (Aperture-
Priority) to AUTO, to restore the settings (shown
below) for iris camera operation. The 105mm
macro lens is fixed at closest focus and must
remain fixed at this position at all times. When
using this lens, the camera must be in Manual
focus mode. This lens must also remain in Manual
mode at all times during iris photography. You
may photograph any subject in the ½” diameter
size range with this lens-illuminator.
For more information – Technical Support
Contact Miles Research for additional information of technical support
Jon Miles
Miles Research
141 E 13th Ave
Escondido, CA 92025