Olympus D-550 ZOOM Digital Camera User Manual

Playing back still pictures
Quick View (Double-click playback)
This function lets you play back pictures during shooting with the lens barrier open.
It is useful when you want to check shooting results and resume shooting quickly.
Press twice quickly (double-click) in the shooting mode.
The camera immediately enters the playback mode and displays the
last picture taken. (Single-frame playback)
Press the shutter button gently (halfway).
The camera returns to the shooting mode and you can resume shooting.
Close-up playback
Pictures displayed on the monitor can be enlarged 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 or 4
times. This function is useful when you want to check the details of a picture.
Press with the lens barrier closed.
The monitor turns on and displays the last picture taken.
Press to select the picture you want to enlarge.
Press the zoom lever toward .
The picture is magnified 1.5 times.
The magnification increases each time the
zoom lever is pressed. To return the
picture to the original size (1×), press the
zoom lever toward .
By pressing while the
enlarged picture is displayed, you can scroll the picture in the
desired direction, enabling you to view a different section.
Functions available in normal playback mode are also available in
Quick View.
The close-up playback function is not available for movies.
Pictures cannot be stored in an enlarged state.