Olympus E-520 Digital Camera User Manual

Customizing your camera
You can set the metering mode when pressing the AEL/AFL button to lock the exposure.
[AUTO] performs metering in the mode selected under [METERING].
You can select the maximum time (in minutes) for bulb shooting.
Custom Menu 1f # CUSTOM
You can set the shutter speed that will be used when the flash fires. The speed can be set
from 1/60 to 1/180 in 1/3 EV increments.
For details on the synchronization speed of commercially available flashes, refer to their
You can set the slow limit of the shutter speed that will be used when the flash fires. The
speed can be set from 1/30 to 1/180 in 1/3 EV increments.
When set to [ON], it will be added to the exposure compensation value and flash intensity
control will be performed.
In AUTO or scene mode, the built-in flash pops up automatically in low light or backlight
conditions. When set to [OFF], the built-in flash will not pop up automatically.
Custom Menu 1g K/COLOR/WB
You can apply the same compensation value to all the white balance modes at once.
[ALL SET] The same compensation value applies to all WB modes.
[ALL RESET] The WB compensation value settings applied to each WB mode are all
cleared at once.
If you select [ALL SET]
1) Use bd to select the color direction.
Toward A: Amber-Blue/Toward G: Green-Magenta
2) Use ac to set the compensation value. g“WB compensation” (P. 65)
Releasing the AEL/AFL button takes a sample image. You can check the white balance
you have adjusted.
If you select [ALL RESET]
1) Use ac to select [YES].
s0018_e_00_0_unified.book Page 95 Tuesday, March 18, 2008 4:08 PM